Make 4 sentences use conditional type one
Positive form, Negative form, Question form and Modal+invinitive
REMEMBER!!! don't make some sentence with your friend
For: Anggi and Siti Mulyani
For: Eko and Yuni
For: Pandu and shinta
For; Rizal and saras
For: Nurul and Zia
For: Hayati
For: Nindi and elsa
For: Nena
For: Hani and alfi
This is the third post, this is about future perfect continuous. If your students feel this tenses is very
difficult to understand, you can explain it using a game. But, this game that I'll make is just for to
make sure about student comprehension.
Follow us,
look at step by step correctly.
Rules of the game :
1. In every class devide into 4-5 groups. Each group consist of 4-5 students
2. First, teach them to make dice and board game. *see some blogs in blog list.
3. Make dice using dots like the picture below.
4. And make the board game using picture of activity. See the picture below
5. Every team must throw the dice, and see what
number that you get.
6. In every number that you get, you must walk and
in the last picture you must make sentences using future perfect continuous.
7. The last step until finish. The first team that
can arrive in finish will be the winner.
Past Perfect Continuous
At this opportunity , we are students of English |Department in Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya will give you a game that can be taught to our children or students. Beside the function of the game is make us fun, the other function is give a knowledge to our students.
Before you make these games, you should know how to make these game first. You can open our blog in the bloglist..
Okay, if you have known some game that posted in our blog. Let's make this game. Actually this game is used to study about "PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS".
Ruler of the game.
1. The kind of game that we'll make is Word Search. Make 4 team, in one team consist of 4 people.
2. Make a word search as creative as possible. hehe . In this time we just make word search using text hint only. Creare one or two senteces using past perfect continuous. That Sentences is for the hints. The example of the result is like the picture below.
3. If your word search is already done, Print the result then give the team paper of the word search, in this
paper you must search one sentences of past perfect continuous in the word
4. Every team have to create the words that they found, then they have you arrange those word into a good sentences.
5. Give them time when they search those word for example 10-15 seconds.The
first team who can find those word and create to be a good sentences is the winner.
6. To make this game more interesting, you should prepare some gifts for the winner.
Enjoy it !